
The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

Archive for the tag “butternut squash”

Recipe trials

A lovely butternut squash sauce has been spicing up my otherwise relatively bland, gastro-friendly diet this week! Very easy to make (if you don’t mind dealing with squash insides, and if you do, butternut is one of the easier ones). I did not use any wine, and I added a touch of nutritional yeast instead of Parmesan. I also used green onions instead of a regular onion- I can’t get over my recent discovery of setting the roots in water and watching them regrow!

I trialed a coconut flour flat bread recipe last weekend, but I forgot (yet again!) to wait for it to cool completely before consuming. What is it about coconut flour that causes it to taste much more palatable in baked goods once it has cooled? Ah well. I didn’t trim my flat bread, so it looks a bit globby monster-ish, which I’m not totally against (or, to be more grammatically correct, against which I am not totally? Totally not?).

Squash Fries

The last two nights I’ve told myself to take a picture of the butternut squash fries I’ve made before consuming, but alas, by the time they are out of the oven I am mercilessly devouring the tasty delight! While you can find a plethora of great recipes for squash fries on the internet (e.g. here), I merely slice the squash into strips, place on parchment papered cookie sheet, add desired seasonings but no oil, and bake at 425 for 40 minutes, flipping half way through. They aren’t necessarily as crispy as they could be if I took measures to soak up the moisture, but the taste makes up for any texture shortcomings. Butternut squash can do no wrong!

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities