
The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

Archive for the tag “microwave recipes”

Cauliflower Pizza, Another Microwave Cake, and Learning to Bake with Gluten-free Grain

Well, what a health rollercoaster I’ve ridden! 30 odd tests later, and waiting for results… Had to collect 4 stool samples, and redo one of them THREE TIMES because of a problem with a lab machine (which meant 6 trips to the hospital and back to pick up containers and turn them in). I have a barium GI test coming up, as well as upper and lower endoscopies with biopsies the day before Thanksgiving (weee!). At this point I almost hope something positive shows up that I can deal with, otherwise it’s back to the old Celiac-wrecks-your-whole-body-forever drawing board.
I finally trialed a cauliflower pizza crust! The number of online recipes/permutations is incredible! I ended up throwing chopped cauliflower florets in my blender along with a handful of shredded lactose-free cheese (my body hated me for that one but man did it taste wonderful!), 1 flax egg, and a bit of almond meal, smoothing over parchment papered cookie sheet, and baking for about 20 minutes. I added pesto, spinach and peppers. DIVINE!!! Mine was not pick-upable; however, I’m quite certain that a pizza stone/pan would do the crisping trick. I plan to try a cheese-free recipe next time.

In addition to all of the chocolate microwave cakes out there, I found and trialed a coconut-nut butter recipe. I used almond butter (can’t handle it raw, somewhat easier in baking), 1 flax egg, and 1/2 tsp maple syrup. I defrosted 1/3 cup of frozen raspberries for a topping- superb!
Luckily some things turn out… I’ve had failed banana bread and pumpkin muffins that both had very runny insides despite firm outsides. Both contained sorghum, millet and tapioca flours, and were veganized. Grain-free baking is much easier, and sits much better with me. Now that I have gluten-free grain flours, perhaps I’ll try soaking the flours next time for (fingers crossed) digestive ease, and use gluten-free flour measuring techniques.

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities