
The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

Archive for the tag “juicing”

Pseudo-pesto (gut-friendly), & why juicing is not healing for everyone

I whipped up some pesto-like sauce as a topping to make my basic ingredients more interesting:

1 1/2 cup mint

1 cup parsley

2 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup olive oil

salt & pepper

Throw in blender, and utilize, as I am currently doing with salad and turkey burger. You could add garlic or onion, but they are currently on my no-no list.

Among other appliances, I’d considered purchasing a juicer, thinking that store-bought juices were out, but not homemade. The issue with fruit juice, regardless of origin, is the high concentration of fruit required, yielding high levels of low-fructose foods (and other offending FODMAP variables) to the point that they migrate from the “safe” list to the “avoid” list (aka bloat-tastic). From what I’ve read, green smoothies (kale, spinach, celery) with 1 serving of fruit, ice cubes, and water as needed are more easily digested.

I AM, however, still in the market for a food processor, a toaster oven, a crock pot, an electric kettle, and maybe even an ice cream maker, though I’ve read recipes for ice cream that simply blend frozen bananas, nut butter, and other desired ingredients.

In other baking news, I figured out a way to bake for events- use gluten free grains (I have quite the stockpile that I’m unable to eat for now) so no worries about cross-contam or ingestion, then make myself a smaller, grain-free portion. Normally I’d just make a grain-free version to share, but needed quantity surpassed my current supply of coconut flour. This is nothing ingenious, but it took me a while to figure out. If you have gluten allergy/intolerance or Celiac and can comfortably consume grains, THAT IS AWESOME! But from the interwebs I take it I’m not alone in all-grain intolerance. Even quinoa’s not verified kosher, so just be attuned to your personal response.

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities