
The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

Archive for the tag “crock pot”

Narrowing the elimination pool, and CROCKPOTS ROCKPOTS!!!

Well, I have become more “regular” and less bloated on this elimination diet (1 week, 2 days), though I developed new symptoms of severe heartburn and rib pain. I was also noticing bits of carrot (though overcooked to prescribed mushiness) on the other end, so I’m 2 days carrot-free and feeling MUCH better. Food intolerance #2 (I guess it goes without saying that gluten is #1): identified. It is pretty hard to get up to 1200 calories on this diet, despite consuming a few cups of rice every day (so weird after being paleo!). The vegetables are getting ridiculously repetitive, so I think I’ll talk with my nutritionist about adding more of those in first cuz I love ’em! Overcooked, not so much…

I put both of my crock pots (one large, one small, makes/models pictured below) to work today, with pear sauce and butternut squash soup.

Pear sauce:

4 pears

small crock pot

Peel and core pears. Add 1 cup H2O, and set on low for 5-6 hours. Drain and throw in food processor once cooled. Measure out 1/2 a cup (a normal serving) to keep from eating all the goodness in one go!

Butternut squash soup (elimination version):

1 butternut squash

2 apples

3 cloves garlic

fresh tarragon & mint



2 cups homemade rice milk (1 cup cooked rice with 3-4 cups water in food processor yields 4 cups)

1 cup water

1 cup pumpkin

Peel, core, and slice as appropriate. Throw in crock pot for 6 hours. Cool and pulse in food processor.

Whole Foods of Charlottesville will hosting a gluten-free day (well, 4 hours, really) on Saturday, October 6. I would really like to go, even if I can’t eat the samples! Here’s a description from a Whole Foods nutrition specialist via the Charlottesvilli support group:

“I wanted to make you aware of our Gluten-free Day that we’ll be holding on Saturday, October 6th from 10am-2pm.  We will have a local vendor as well as demonstrations throughout the day sampling various foods that are gluten-free.  We will also have a speaker giving a presentation at 10am and 11am.  If you are interested in making a presentation, or having a table, we would love to have you or someone here representing your group. Regardless, I just wanted to extend the invitation to you and members of the group to come experience this event. ”

Still haven’t been to a support group meeting (they’ve just gotten back together after a hiatus), but the next one is October 20 and I plan to attend!

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities

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The ups, downs, and runarounds of Celiac Disease and food sensitivities